Centra HotelvsAC Hotel Riga
Both properties are recommended by expert writers. Overall, Albert Hotel is the choice of most professionals compared to Rixwell Centra Hotel. Albert Hotel ranks #19 in Riga with positive reviews from 3 sources such as Rough Guide, DK Eyewitness and Lonely Planet.
Centra Hotel
1 Audeju, Riga 1050, Latvia
From $53/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
Rough Guide
"Spacious, smart rooms, decorated in modern, minimalist style, with shower and TV, each offering good views of the Audēju iela street scene below. Good value for the location."
Lonely Planet
"Smoke-free hotels in Rīga are about as common as flying moose." Full review
AC Hotel Riga
33 Dzirnavu, Riga 1010, Latvia
From $90/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
DK Eyewitness
"The Albert in question is Einstein, and this theme is subtly present throughout this popular hotel in the main Art Nouveau district."
Rough Guide
"Modern ten-storey slab popular with tourist groups and conferences, and close to the Art Nouveau buildings of Alberta iela."
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Its massive size (246 rooms), sleek no-nonsense rooms, ubiquitous (and free) wi-fi coverage and generous range of cable TV channels scream 'business hotel'." Full review