MarePineta ResortvsHotel Al Giaciglio
Both properties are endorsed by professional reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, MarePineta Resort is preferred by most professionals compared to Hotel Al Giaciglio. MarePineta Resort has a TripExpert Score of 72 with recommendations from 1 reviews including Jetsetter.
MarePineta Resort
Viale Dante 40, 48015 Milano Marittima, Cervia
From $76/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
"Style meets exclusivity at a seaside hotel in Milano Marittima, with breakfast and access to the private beach club." Full review
Hotel Al Giaciglio
Via R. Brancaleone 42, 48100 Ravenna
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Restaurant
Rough Guide
"This small, basic but friendly place has rooms with or without private bathroom, and all with TVs&*& Ask for a room overlooking the courtyard."
This small, basic but friendly place has
rooms with or without private bathroom, and
all with TVs. Ask for a room overlooking the