That's It Guest HomevsOsborne Guest House
Both hotels are recommended by professionals. On balance, That's It Guest Home is preferred by most professionals compared to Osborne Guest House. That's It Guest Home ranks #10 in Pretoria with praise from 2 publications including Lonely Planet, Rough Guide.
That's It Guest Home
5 Brecher Street, Clydesdale, Pretoria 0002, South Africa
From $85/night
- Pool
- Free Parking
Lonely Planet
"Professionally run and competitively priced... The plain-ish rooms face out towards a sofa-filled lapa and the owners are quick to attend to guest needs."
Rough Guide
"A neat, unelaborate, reasonably priced B&B in a family home with four rooms and a relaxing garden and pool."
Osborne Guest House
82 Anderson St., Brooklyn, Pretoria 0181, South Africa
From $61/night
- Pet Friendly
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Pool
Rough Guide
"A wonderfully elegant guesthouse in a restored Edwardian manor house with lovely furniture, big windows, wooden floors and a secluded pool."