Illyria HousevsOsborne Guest House
Both Illyria House and Osborne Guest House are recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Osborne Guest House ranks marginally higher than Illyria House. Osborne Guest House ranks #21 in Pretoria with accolades from 1 publications such as Rough Guide.
Illyria House
327 Bourke Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria 0002, South Africa
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
DK Eyewitness
"A magnificent colonial manor boasting fine antiques, 17th-century tapestries and exquisite cuisine."
Osborne Guest House
82 Anderson St., Brooklyn, Pretoria 0181, South Africa
From $61/night
- Pet Friendly
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Pool
Rough Guide
"A wonderfully elegant guesthouse in a restored Edwardian manor house with lovely furniture, big windows, wooden floors and a secluded pool."