Brooks CottagevsCourt Classique Suite Hotel
Brooks Cottage and Court Classique Suite Hotel are both highly recommended by experts. On balance, Brooks Cottage is the choice of most professionals compared to Court Classique Suite Hotel. Brooks Cottage has a TripExpert Score of 78 with approval from 2 reviewers such as Rough Guide, Lonely Planet.
Brooks Cottage
283 Brooks Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, South Africa
From $90/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Pool
Rough Guide
"An elegant Cape Dutch-style home – a national monument – with three smart rooms, satellite TV and a pool."
Lonely Planet
"About the only thing wrong with this attractive address is that it's in high demand, meaning you need to book well in advance to snag one of its cosy, excellent-value rooms with sparkling bathrooms." Full review
Court Classique Suite Hotel
743 Francis Baard Street(Schoeman Street) (cnr Beckett), Arcadia, Pretoria 7, South Africa
From $60/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
Lonely Planet
"A mainstay of the regional tourism awards, and rightly so. All rooms are, in fact, suites, which are suitable for families and business folk alike... the chef prepares world-class cuisine."