
Bronberg Country LodgevsThat's It Guest Home

Both Bronberg Country Lodge and That's It Guest Home are highly recommended by professional travelers. On balance, That's It Guest Home scores slightly better than Bronberg Country Lodge. That's It Guest Home scores 78 with endorsements from 2 sources like Rough Guide, Lonely Planet.

Bronberg Country Lodge
Plot 207, Lynwood Road,, Pretoria 36, South Africa
From $0/night
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"On the eastern reaches of Pretoria... After a busy day’s sightseeing, it’s the perfect spot to escape back into the bush or reinvigorate weary feet with a soak in the Jacuzzi."
That's It Guest Home
5 Brecher Street, Clydesdale, Pretoria 0002, South Africa
From $85/night
  • Pool
  • Free Parking
show all amenities
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Professionally run and competitively priced... The plain-ish rooms face out towards a sofa-filled lapa and the owners are quick to attend to guest needs."
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"A neat, unelaborate, reasonably priced B&B in a family home with four rooms and a relaxing garden and pool."

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