
B'Guest Housevs314 on Clark Guest House

Both hotels are rated very highly by writers. On balance, 314 on Clark Guest House is preferred by most writers compared to B'Guest House. 314 on Clark Guest House ranks #24 in Pretoria with praise from 1 sources such as Lonely Planet.

B'Guest House
Park Street 751, Arcadia, Pretoria 83, South Africa
From $0/night
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"The pick of the mid-rangers has a smashing pool and surrounding gardens that can be viewed from private patios or through the foyer’s exquisite glass doors. The cuisine comes highly recommended."
314 on Clark Guest House
314 Clark Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria 0181, South Africa
From $47/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Free Breakfast
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Laundy Room
show all amenities
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"A true find for peace seekers, this well-run establishment shelters 13 immaculate rooms of varying sizes and shapes, including a couple of self-catering units." Full review

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