OYO 89368 Cintra HousevsArmenian Street Heritage Hotel
Both Cintra Heritage House and Armenian Street Heritage Hotel are recommended by travel writers. On balance, Armenian Street Heritage Hotel scores slightly higher than Cintra Heritage House. Armenian Street Heritage Hotel scores 77 with accolades from 2 publications including Oyster, Time Out.
OYO 89368 Cintra House
no: 1, 3, 5, 7 Lebuh Cintra, Georgetown, Penang Island 10100, Malaysia
From $16/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Smoking Rooms
Lonely Planet
"Cool, spacious rooms. They aren't equipped with TV, but friendly staff and the attached cafe serve as ample distractions." Full review
Time Out
"Neat clutters of antique cabinets, benches and chairs from its owner Melynda Soon's personal collection, lend to the hotel's heritage feel." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Cintra offers cool, spacious rooms, which aren't equipped with TV, but friendly staff and the attached cafe serve as ample distractions" Full review
Armenian Street Heritage Hotel
No 139, Lebuh Carnarvon, 10200 Pulau Pinang. Malaysia, Georgetown, Penang Island 10200, Malaysia
From $15/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Free Parking
- Multilingual
- Air Conditioning
"The Armenian Street Heritage Hotel is a short walk from its namesake street within George Town's central Unesco World Heritage district." Full review
Time Out
"This fuss-free accommodation offers comfortable white linen beds, bathroom amenities, Wi-Fi connectivity and 32 inch television equipped with cable within its 92 wooden-polished ensuite rooms. " Full review