The Weigh Inn HotelvsKuri Village Resort Buka
Both hotels are praised by professional travelers. On balance, Kuri Village Resort Buka ranks marginally higher than Weigh Inn Hotel. Kuri Village Resort Buka has a TripExpert Score of 76 with endorsements from 1 publications such as Lonely Planet.
The Weigh Inn Hotel
Poreporena Fwy, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
From $0/night
- Laundry Service
Lonely Planet
"This ageing place offers poorly lit standards with cinderblock walls and boxy but airier ‘premier’ rooms, all with TV and fridge." Full review
Kuri Village Resort Buka
Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea
From $0/night
Lonely Planet
"The quarters consist of plain rooms (best upstairs) in a building across the road, and slightly more appealing, much more expensive bungalows and rooms scattered in the garden." Full review