Kavieng Village ResortvsDestiny Guest Haus
Both properties are rated highly by professional travelers. On balance, Destiny Guest Haus is preferred by most professionals compared to Kavieng Village Resort. Destiny Guest Haus comes in at #12 in Papua New Guinea with recommendations from 1 reviews such as Lonely Planet.
Kavieng Village Resort
Omo Beach, Kavieng, Papua New Guinea
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Restaurant
- Air Conditioning
- Refrigerator
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"On a quiet coastal road, 2km from town, this new resort is a sister to Kokopo Village Resort in New Britain." Full review
Destiny Guest Haus
Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea
From $0/night
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Destiny is a welcoming and friendly guesthouse featuring 20 bright, spotless and comfortable rooms." Full review