
Hotel PoromanvsDestiny Guest Haus

Hotel Poroman and Destiny Guest Haus are both recommended by reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Destiny Guest Haus ranks significantly higher than Hotel Poroman. Destiny Guest Haus has a TripExpert Score of 86 with recommendations from 1 sources including Lonely Planet.

Hotel Poroman
Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea
From $0/night
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"The staff are super friendly and the gardens are a good place to unwind after the crowds on Mt Hagen’s streets." Full review
Destiny Guest Haus
Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea
From $0/night
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Destiny is a welcoming and friendly guesthouse featuring 20 bright, spotless and comfortable rooms." Full review

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