
Tantalo Hotel / Kitchen / RoofbarvsToscana Inn Hotel

Both Tantalo Hotel / Kitchen / Roofbar and Toscana Inn Hotel are recommended by travel writers. On balance, Tantalo Hotel / Kitchen / Roofbar scores significantly better than Toscana Inn Hotel. Tantalo Hotel / Kitchen / Roofbar comes in at #9 in Panama City with praise from 5 reviews like Lonely Planet, Wallpaper and Fodor's.

Tantalo Hotel / Kitchen / Roofbar
Avenida B Calle 8, Casco Viejo, Panama City, Panama
From $134/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Restaurant
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Fodor's Fodor's
"Eco-conscious luxury meets a hip, creative attitude at this 13-room hotel." Full review
Condé Nast Traveler Condé Nast Traveler
"An enormous web of black wires and light bulbs stretches across the dining-room ceiling, and a vertical garden climbs from the main-floor bar to the three-story atrium." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"Perhaps the most happening hotel in the city... the property attracts a cool crowd of local hipsters and foreign jet setters." Full review
Wallpaper Wallpaper
"The recent opening of Tántalo in Panama City’s historic Casco Viejo quarter is shaking things up for a city that, till now, has been better known for being a nautical short-cut par excellence." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Industrial chic has hit Casco hard. Various artists were commissioned to make the rooms of this 12-room boutique hotel." Full review
Toscana Inn Hotel
Via Espana, Calle D, El Cangrejo, Panama City 0819-09389, Panama
From $93/night
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Restaurant
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Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Though the look here could use an update, the spacious rooms have flat-screen TVs, leather sofas, and beds with firm mattresses and brocade covers." Full review
Oyster Oyster
"Found in the bustling El Crangrejo district of Panama City, this 91-room, mid-range hotel is in a very walkable area with sites, restaurants, shops, and entertainment close at hand." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"The spacious rooms have flat-screen TVs, leather sofas, and beds with firm mattresses and brocade covers...and facilities include a business center and a pleasant adjoining cafe. " Full review

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