Las Clementinas Hotel

Top 7% of hotels in Panama City

5 expert reviews

“Boutique sleep in Panama City's cobblestone Old Town, with a hip brunch scene and panoramic city views.”

– Jetsetter

Fodor's Fodor's
"The six bright, spacious suites in this refurbished, early-20th-century apartment building are as charming as they are comfortable." Full review
Oyster Oyster
"Las Clementinas is an upper-middle-range boutique in Casco Viejo, a lively neighborhood rich with the culture and history of Panama City, and home to an active nightlife." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"This intimate restaurant, carved out of a meticulously restored colonial building that also houses the Las Clementinas boutique hotel, is one of Casco's most stylish." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"This one, with its antique regional maps, recycled hardwood floors from the canal, and unusual relics from the original house feels like authentic Panama." Full review

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