
Radisson Hotel Panama CanalvsThe Executive Hotel

Both Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Panama Canal, Panama and The Executive Hotel are recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Panama Canal, Panama ranks marginally better than The Executive Hotel. Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Panama Canal, Panama has a TripExpert Score of 76 with praise from 3 reviews including Lonely Planet, Frommer's and Fodor's.

Radisson Hotel Panama Canal
Amador Causeway, Panama City, Panama
From $70/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Hot Tub
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
  • Shuttle Bus
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Frommer's Frommer's
"This hotel is worth considering if you have kids, seek quiet accommodations, and/or want plenty of space to walk, jog, or ride a bike." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Take in the unparalleled vistas of the Bahía de Panamá and Puente de las Américas from the pool/jacuzzi or avoid the hoi polloi entirely and enjoy the views from your private balcony."
Fodor's Fodor's
"A front-row view of the Panama Canal and the peace and fresh air that come with an out-of-town location make this hotel a great option, especially for families." Full review
There is, however, a big difference between the views, so be sure to pay the extra money for a canal view
The Executive Hotel
52nd & Aquilino de la Guardia Street, Panama Zone 5, Panama City, Panama
From $65/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
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Frommer's Frommer's
"The best things about this spot are its location, in the heart of El Cangrejo... and some pretty stunning views from the tiny balconies attached to the rooms." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Upholding the Panamanian standard of great exterior and lobby which belie the regular rooms within, this place is only good value if you get the corporate rate." Full review

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