Burlington House HotelvsThe Oxford Townhouse
Both hotels are recommended by professionals. Overall, The Oxford Townhouse is preferred by most professionals compared to Burlington House Hotel. The Oxford Townhouse has a TripExpert Score of 74 with positive reviews from 2 sources such as Lonely Planet, The Telegraph.
Burlington House Hotel
374 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7PP
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Free Parking
- Breakfast included
- Baggage storage
- Flatscreen TV
"This Victorian guesthouse in Summertown, on the outskirts of Oxford, shows flair in its decoration, creativity in its breakfasts, and attentive, helpful service. Guest rooms are beautifully furnished." Full review
Insight Guides
"A stylishly decorated and furnished hotel in a lovely Victorian property within easy walking distance of the Summertown shopping parade in North Oxford."
Lonely Planet
"Twelve big, bright, elegant rooms... are available at this Victorian merchant house. The fittings are luxurious, the service attentive, the bathrooms immaculate and... public transport links to town." Full review
"More boutique hotel than B&B, it manages to be homey without being twee, and smart but not smart-by-numbers. The 12 comfy, triple-glazed rooms have jaunty feature wallpaper and clashing chairs"
The Oxford Townhouse
88 / 90 Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4PX
From $120/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Free Parking
- Air Conditioning
- Breakfast included
The Telegraph
"This delightful guesthouse offers a practical and serene space from which to enjoy Oxford." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Just two months old at research time, this gorgeously restyled duo of Victorian town houses combines subtly chic rooms, good breakfasts and a warm welcome, half a mile south of the centre." Full review