Parliament Hill and Buildings
6 expert reviews
“The East Block was built in 1865 by Strent and Laver. Some of the offices have been authentically furnished to reflect their former occupants.”
– Michelin Guide
"Three beloved neo-Gothic-style buildings with copper roofs dominate the nation's capital from Parliament Hill, overlooking the Ottawa River." Full review
If the House is sitting, be sure to watch Question Period, a lively and at times theatrical 45-minute session
"The focal point for most of Canada's national celebrations, including day-long events and spectacular fireworks on July 1, Canada Day." Full review
During the busy summer months, drop by the information tent on the lawn in front of the Parliament Buildings between 9 and 10am.
"Vast, yawning archways, copper-topped turrets and Gothic revival gargoyles dominate the facade of the stunning lime and sandstone Parliament buildings." Full review
2 Stars
"The Canadian parliament stands on top of a cliff overlooking the Ottawa River and Rideau Canal, from a height of nearly 50m/165ft, hence its name the "Hill"." Full review
2 Stars
"Parliamentary proceedings are open to the public if the House or Senate is in session. Each sitting begins with the Speaker's Parade." Full review