
LOS PILARES HOTELvsVillas Carrizalillo

Both Villas Carrizalillo and Los Pilares Hotel are recommended by professional travelers. Overall, Los Pilares Hotel is the choice of most reviewers compared to Villas Carrizalillo. Los Pilares Hotel has a TripExpert Score of 75 with accolades from 2 reviewers such as Oyster, Michelin Guide.

Curtidurias 721-A, Col. Jalatlaco, Oaxaca
From $61/night
  • Hot Tub
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Restaurant
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Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
"The street here is named for the tanners that once dominated this quiet neighborhood, a 15-minute walk from city center."
Oyster Oyster
"An Old World oasis removed from the city bustle, the upper-middle-range Los Pilares is a picturesque colonial mansion that channels timeless European style -- without any pretension." Full review
Villas Carrizalillo
Ave. Carrizalillo No. 125, Puerto Escondido 71980
From $155/night
  • Pet Friendly
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Laundry Service
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Fodor's Fodor's
"Perfect for those in search of a little solitude, these private, tile-roofed villas cling to a cliff above the gorgeous beach for which they were named." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top choice
"There’s no shortage of inspired accommodations perched on spectacular headlands on the Oaxacan coast, but the Carrizalillo stands out even on this dreamy littoral" Full review

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