Hotel PrincipalvsHotel Cazomalli
Both hotels are rated very highly by professional travelers. On balance, Hotel Principal is preferred by most professionals compared to Hotel Cazomalli. Hotel Principal has a TripExpert Score of 68 with endorsements from 2 publications like DK Eyewitness, Rough Guide.
Hotel Principal
Cinco de Mayo 208, Oaxaca 68000
From $21/night
- Laundry Service
- 24-hour front desk
- Private balcony
DK Eyewitness
"The Principal retains the charm of a colonial-era, patio-centered home."
Rough Guide
"Colonial-style choice with a central courtyard and friendly owner."
Hotel Cazomalli
El Salto 104, Jalatlaco, Oaxaca 68080
From $71/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Dry Cleaning
- Baggage storage
- 24-hour front desk
- Salon
"Even the baked-earth floor tiles shine at this sleepy little hostelry, whose name means "house of tranquility." It's...close to Parque Juárez." Full review
Rough Guide
"Quaint little posada with comfy rooms in a colonial house with a gorgeous rooftop breakfast area."