
Hotel Casa CuevsHotel Paraiso Escondido

Hotel Paraiso Escondido and Hotel Casa Cue are both endorsed by expert reviewers. On balance, Hotel Casa Cue scores slightly higher than Hotel Paraiso Escondido. Hotel Casa Cue has a TripExpert Score of 75 with praise from 2 sources such as DK Eyewitness, Frommer's.

Hotel Casa Cue
Aldama 103, Colonia Centro, Oaxaca 68000
From $25/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
  • Restaurant
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Frommer's Frommer's
"A modern hotel 2 blocks from the zócalo, Casa Cué has good air-conditioning, good service, and bathrooms with instant hot water." Full review
DK Eyewitness DK Eyewitness
"The Casa Cue is a modest, three-story, modern hotel opposite the market and two blocks from the Zócalo. Rooms are clean, neat, and comfortable... Many services of a larger hotel."
Hotel Paraiso Escondido
Calle Union 10, Street next to Banamex Bank, Puerto Escondido 71980
From $45/night
  • Free Internet
  • Restaurant
  • Pool
  • Free Parking
  • Multilingual
  • Kitchenette
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Oyster Oyster
"Overlooking the old town of Puerto Escondido and the Pacific, three-pearl Paraiso Escondido brims with rustic character and whimsical charm." Full review

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