Hotel Casa ArnelvsHotel Maela
Hotel Casa Arnel and Hotel Maela are both rated highly by reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Hotel Casa Arnel is the choice of most reviewers compared to Hotel Maela. Hotel Casa Arnel has a TripExpert Score of 76 with endorsements from 3 publications like Rough Guide, Frommer's and Lonely Planet.
Hotel Casa Arnel
Aldama 404, Col. Jalatlaco, Oaxaca 68080
From $28/night
- Pet Friendly
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Baggage storage
- 24-hour front desk
"Less than 1km...from the zócalo, this lodging, located in a quiet neighborhood, offers good value. ... Most rooms are plain but comfortable." Full review
Lonely Planet
"This family-run budget hotel is five minutes’ walk from the 1st-class bus station. The clean, smallish, well-kept rooms surround a big, leafy courtyard." Full review
Rough Guide
"Between the plaza and first-class bus station (within walking distance of both), Casa Arnel is a popular family-run place. Reasonably priced rooms... sit around a leafy courtyard."
Hotel Maela
Constitucion # 206, Oax, Oaxaca CP. 68000
From $34/night
- Free Internet
- Restaurant
- Free Parking
- Telephone
- Private balcony
"This is a family-owned hotel that offers good value: central location (behind Santo Domingo), quiet rooms, and good rates." Full review
DK Eyewitness
"The Maela fills a growing gap for economical lodging that is close to everything... Around a small colorful interior courtyard, each room has nice tile floors, matching bedspreads and furniture."