Hospederia La RejavsCasa de la Tia Tere
Both properties are highly recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Hospederia La Reja is the choice of most professionals compared to Casa de la Tia Tere. Hospederia La Reja has a TripExpert Score of 68 with endorsements from 2 reviewers including Michelin Guide, Lonely Planet.
Hospederia La Reja
Abasolo 103, Centro Historico, Oaxaca 68050
From $55/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Dry Cleaning
- Air Conditioning
Lonely Planet
"A lovely small hotel with just six tasteful, comfy rooms in orange, yellow and pink tones, around a tranquil patio with tropical plants where breakfast and lunch are available."
Michelin Guide
"This cozy little lodging has smallish rooms but a lovely courtyard where Continental breakfast is served. Price category $ if you pay in cash. Wi-Fi in rooms and public areas."
Casa de la Tia Tere
Murguia # 612 Col. Centro, between Libres and Martires de Tacubaya), Oaxaca
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Concierge
- Pool
- Free Parking
- Kitchenette
Lonely Planet
"One of the few midrange accommodations with a pool." Full review
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Rooms are large and mostly bright, with good showers; breakfast is ample and Tía Tere also offers a large, clean kitchen and dining room, plus a book exchange and free coffee." Full review