Oceana Restaurant

Top 1% of restaurants in New York City

15 expert reviews

“Oceana, seafood purveyor extraordinaire, has settled beautifully into its illustrious home in Rockefeller Center.”

– Michelin Guide

Concierge Concierge
"If the old Oceana was like a luxurious little yacht whose small but devoted staff hovered lovingly while you indulged in elegant food, the new one is much closer to a stately liner."
Fodor's Fodor's
"Entering Oceana is like walking into the dressy stateroom of a modern luxury ocean liner." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"In 2009 Oceana moved from its longtime yachtlike home on the east side to a luxury liner of a space in the McGraw-Hill building across the street from Rockefeller Center." Full review
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"Inside a new location just west of Rockefeller Center, Oceana continues to deliver the fresh, creative seafood that has earned it a Michelin Star for four years in a row." Full review
Zagat Zagat
""Business folk" flock to this "cavernous" Rock Center American seafooder for its "pristine fish", "gorgeous raw bar" and "classy" service." Full review
DK Eyewitness DK Eyewitness
"Ease into the evening with a crisp white wine and a platter of fresh seafood at this stylish vaulted restaurant."
Gayot Gayot
"Set in an airy and spacious room, this nautical-themed seafood eatery serves up first-rate fruits of the sea." Full review
New York Magazine New York Magazine
Critic's Pick
"Old-line fish snobs may remember Oceana as a refined boutique townhouse restaurant run by the Livanos family (Molyvos, Abboccato) on East 54th Street."
Time Out Time Out
"Manhattan clam chowder is a classic silky tomato-enriched soup, poured tableside over a delicate pedestal of plump clams and diced potato." Full review
Bloomberg Bloomberg
"No longer the excellent restaurant it was, but it still does serve some great fancy fish...winners and duds appear with no pattern on the nearly 60- item list." Full review
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