Cafe Regular

Top 8% of restaurants in New York City

5 expert reviews

“The two tiny locations of this café in Park Slope have a charming European atmosphere and a focus on top-quality products.”

– Fodor's

Rough Guide Rough Guide
"Excellent coffee and pastries in a tiny, Eurocentric café that feels a little hidden off the main drag."
Time Out Time Out
"This modestly named coffeehouse sits just off a bleak strip of 99-cent and other bargain stores, and its European charm is a welcome contrast." Full review
The New Yorker The New Yorker
"The coffee is La Colombe—“from Philadelphia, by way of Seattle, by way of France,” to be precise—and expertly turned out on a La Spaziale espresso machine. " Full review
Zagat Zagat
"Park Slope coffeehouse that "can brew it up with the best of them" – and does – in "tiny" storefront digs done up in "rustic" "Euro" style." Full review

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