The Fitness Center at NoMo SoHo Hotel

The fitness center at NOMO SOHO Hotel is referenced by professional travelers. Out of 12 professionals tracked on TripExpert, 4 recommended the fitness center, like Oyster, Concierge and Star Service.

NoMo SoHo Hotel
Oyster Oyster
"The fitness center, though small and in the basement, has state-of-the-art machines with personal screens and headphones"
Concierge Concierge
"Lest no one greet you at the door, check-in is up a flight of marble stairs, daily Equinox gym passes (there's also a well-equipped gym in the basement) at the ready"
Star Service Star Service
"The fitness center in the lower lobby—just a few aerobics machines and a multistation weight machine in close quarters—is open 24 hours"
Star Service Star Service
"Guests can use the 24-hour fitness center in the lower lobby—just a few aerobics machines and a multistation weight machine in close quarters"
From $205 / night
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