Hotel Palazzo AlabardierivsCulture Hotel Villa Capodimonte
Both hotels are highly recommended by professional travelers. Overall, Hotel Palazzo Alabardieri scores significantly better than Culture Hotel Villa Capodimonte. Hotel Palazzo Alabardieri has a TripExpert Score of 79 with endorsements from 3 publications such as Oyster, Frommer's and Fodor's.
Hotel Palazzo Alabardieri
Via Alabardieri 38, 80121 Naples
From $162/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
"A stylish hotel with a great, central location, the Alabardieri is housed in the ancient cloister of what was once the convent of Santa Caterina a Chiaia." Full review
"Just off the chic Piazza dei Martiri, this is the most fashionable choice among the city's growing number of smaller luxury hotels." Full review
"The upper-middle-range Hotel Palazzo Alabardieri is located on a side street off one of Naples' poshest shopping streets, and carries this elegance into its decor." Full review
Culture Hotel Villa Capodimonte
Via Moiariello, 66, 80131 Naples
From $75/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
"This 1995 hotel is just steps from the Royal Park of Capodimonte and is surrounded by its own park with splendid views." Full review
"Set in its own pleasingly manicured park near the majestic Museo di Capodimonte, this "villa" combines gracious Neapolitan hospitality with thoroughly modern comfort." Full review