Castel Nuovo - Maschio Angioino
5 expert reviews
“Surrounded by a deep moat, the imposing Castel Nuovo was built in 1282.”
– Michelin Guide
"Built in 1279 by Charles of Anjou and used by subsequent Angevin monarchs as a royal residence and fortress." Full review
"Now that the Giotto frescoes that once decorated the palace chapel have faded away, you can settle with admiring this medieval sea-girt beauty from the outside." Full review
"This imposing castle is now used more for marital than military purposes—a portion of it serves as a government registry office." Full review
"Known locally as the Maschio Angioino, this forbidding castle was built by Charles I of Anjou in 1279 and then used as a royal residence by successive Angevin monarchs." Full review