Jardin des Plantes

Top 4% of attractions in Nantes
7 / 10

5 expert reviews

“This unusual park in the island of Versailles contains rocailles, waterfalls and lanterns.”

– Michelin Guide

Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Opened in 1860, this exquisitely landscaped city park is one of France's most interesting botanical gardens." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"This lovely garden was created in 1805 and redesigned from 1830 to 1850." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
0 Stars
"This unusual park on the île of Versailles is depicted by its rockery and waterfalls." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"Extending over 7ha, this lovely landscaped garden created in 1807 boasts numerous waterfalls and fountains." Full review