Our Lady of Smolensk Novodevichy Convent
7 expert reviews
“If you visit only one holy site in Moscow, make it this one. The.”
– Frommer's
"Exhibits include rare and ancient Russian paintings, both ecclesiastical and secular; woodwork and ceramics; and fabrics and embroidery." Full review
"Staying sane in rough-and-tumble Moscow means knowing where to find the city's oases. Novodevichy Monastery is one of them."
Top Choice
"A cluster of sparkling domes behind turreted walls on the Moscow River, Novodevichy Convent was founded in 1524 to celebrate the taking of Smolensk from Lithuania." Full review
2 Stars
"Novodevichy Monastery boasts several lakeside sanctuaries, including the beautiful Baroque Church of the Transfiguration, and above all the imposing Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk." Full review
3 Stars
"You can't help but be dazzled by the interior decoration of Our Lady of Smolensk, where the greatest talents of the 17C found expression."
"Moscow's most popular cemetery includes the graves of numerous cosmonauts. " Full review
+7 499 245-31-68
1, Novodevich'ya naberezhnaya, Metro: Sportivnaya, Moscow, Russia