Restaurante Chon
6 expert reviews
“Pre-Hispanic cuisine spot at a rougher edge of the city center attracts the adventurous.”
– National Geographic
"This unpretentious family-style restaurant, deep in a downtown working-class neighborhood, is famed for its menu of pre-Hispanic dishes." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Pre-Hispanic fare is the specialty of this cantina-style restaurant. Sample maguey (agave) worms, grasshoppers, wild boar and other delicacies." Full review
"It is also most apt for the culinarily adventurous; the specialties of the house are from a pre-Hispanic menu." Full review
DK Eyewitness
"The most famous restaurant in the city for pre-Hispanic food, the emphasis is on the food, not the mismatched furniture."
Rough Guide
"A veritable eating adventure, with starters such as mescal worms, escamoles (ant eggs) or chapulines (grasshoppers), served with or without guacamole."