Hatten Hotel MelakavsMimosa Hotel
Both Mimosa Hotel and Hatten Hotel Melaka are praised by professional travelers. Overall, Hatten Hotel Melaka ranks slightly higher than Mimosa Hotel. Hatten Hotel Melaka has a TripExpert Score of 76 with praise from 2 publications including Lonely Planet, Oyster.
Hatten Hotel Melaka
Hatten Square, Jalan Merdeka, Bandar Hilir, Melaka 75000, Malaysia
From $31/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
"The Hatten Hotel Melaka is a modern, upscale property attached to a shopping mall, just outside of Melaka's historic core." Full review
Lonely Planet
"A marbled reception kitted out with velvet sofas promises a lot at this hotel perched over Hatten Square mall." Full review
Mimosa Hotel
108 Jalan Bunga Raya, Melaka 75100, Malaysia
From $37/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Laundy Room
- Restaurant
- Smoking Rooms
Lonely Planet
"This small, clean, modern place is not going to win any design or architecture prizes, but it's located in a bustling district of small shops and narrow streets largely free of tourists...." Full review