Tang HousevsEmily Travellers' Home
Tang House and Emily Travellers' Home are both highly recommended by travel writers. Overall, Emily Travellers' Home scores slightly better than Tang House. Emily Travellers' Home has a TripExpert Score of 77 with recommendations from 2 sources such as Lonely Planet, Rough Guide.
Tang House
80-1 Jalan Tokong, Melaka 75200, Malaysia
From $0/night
- Restaurant
- Air Conditioning
Rough Guide
"A family-run guesthouse with a small coffee shop and eight a/c rooms... with mattresses on the floor."
Lonely Planet
"Tiny, shiny hardwood-floor rooms above a stylish, family-run coffee shop right in the heart of Chinatown and slap next to the Jonker Walk Night Market." Full review
Emily Travellers' Home
71 Jalan Parameswara, Bandar Hilir, Melaka 75000, Malaysia
From $0/night
Rough Guide
"This peaceful and friendly backpacker gem has two chalets (with their own bathrooms) and several rooms in the heritage house with shared bathrooms; there are a few dorm beds too."