
Casa del Rio MelakavsNumber Twenty Guest House

Both hotels are highly recommended by professionals. Overall, Casa del Rio Melaka scores significantly higher than Number Twenty Guest House. Casa del Rio Melaka comes in at #6 in Melaka with endorsements from 3 publications such as Rough Guide, Oyster and Lonely Planet.

Casa del Rio Melaka
88 Jalan Kota Laksamana, Melaka 75200, Malaysia
From $136/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Laundry Service
show all amenities
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"A new opening in 2011, this resort-style complex is undeniably luxurious – the rooms are delightful and there’s a lovely rooftop infinity pool as well as a spa."
Oyster Oyster
"Casa del Rio Melaka is an upscale riverside hotel in historic central Melaka that's just over five minutes from popular Jonker Street on foot." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"With a fabulous location right on the river and steps from Chinatown, Case Del Rio's palatial architecture blends Portuguese/Mediterranean with Malaysian for a result that's airy and grand." Full review
Number Twenty Guest House
20 Jalan Hang Jebat (Jonker Walk), Melaka 75200, Malaysia
From $0/night
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"A 1673 Dutch mansion meets urban-Zen chic at Melaka's most stylish digs." Full review

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