Saadian Tombs
7 expert reviews
“Unfortunately, some of the tombs are in ruins but they are nonetheless very worth visiting. Bottom line: macabre but stylish.”
– Travel + Leisure
"This small, beautiful 16th-century burial ground is the permanent resting place of 166 Saadians, including its creator, Sultan Ahmed el Mansour, the Golden One." Full review
Get here either early or late to avoid the crowds and to see the monuments swathed in soft golden light of a restful sun.
"Used by various dynasties for more than 200 years, the beautifully restored site numbers more than 60 pagoda-shaped marble sarcophagi housed in two mausoleums."
Top choice
"Saadian Sultan Ahmed al-Mansour ed-Dahbi spared no expense on his tomb, importing Italian Carrara marble and gilding honeycomb muqarnas (decorative plasterwork) with pure gold." Full review
3 Stars
"1917 the existence of the tombs was accidentally rediscovered. An access corridor was then cut through the walls to enable non-Muslims to see them." Full review
"Deliberately hidden for centuries, the magnificent Saadian Tombs were eventually uncovered in 1917. " Full review
"This high-walled compound, shaded with palms and dotted with bright zellij-topped tombs, is the final resting place of the Saâdian dynasty." Full review