Valley of the Queens
4 expert reviews
"The Valley of the Queens contains at least 75 tombs that belonged to queens of the 19th and 20th dynasties as well as to other members of the royal families...four of the tombs are open for viewing." Full review
"The Valley of the Queens is home to more than 75 royal tombs. You'll find an array of queens, princesses and princes buried here, and one of Egypt's most elaborate tombs – the tomb of Nefertari " Full review
"The Tomb of Nefertari is the crown jewel of the Valley of the Queens, and is both the largest the most elaborately decorated of the tombs here, with walls covered in stunning paintings" Full review
"The undisputed highlight of the Valley of the Queens is standing in awe of the artwork in the incredible Tomb of also has some of the most vivid surviving decorations" Full review