Temple of Hatshepsut


5 expert reviews
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"The almost-modern-looking temple blends in beautifully with the cliffs from which it is partly cut – a marriage made in heaven." Full review
U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report
"The Temple of Hatshepsut stands out for its grand architecture and jaw-dropping landscape...this funerary temple features three tiers of porticos with statues, pillars and hieroglyphs." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"Approaching the temple, you'll see that it rises in three massive terraces...if you pause at the colonnades between the first and second terraces, there are some illustrations of boat building" Full review
Fodor's Fodor's
"Appearing like a modern mirage, the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut is a sublime piece of architecture, consisting of three colonnades rising on terraces that melt into the foot of soaring limestone cliffs" Full review
Independent Independent
"Stately three-level architectural mirage where painted relics line the walls to preserve the legacy of her reign, immortalised in the temple’s Chapel of Anubis, god of embalming and the cemetery"

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