Palm Thai Restaurant

Top 1% of restaurants in Los Angeles

7 expert reviews

“Thai Elvis impersonator!”

– Not For Tourists

Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"It's in a new location but the food's as sharp as ever if the steady stream of Thai families, tattooed scenesters and cops is anything to go by." Full review
Zagat Zagat
"Karaoke and Thai food come together at this "late-night" East Hollywood mainstay for "delectable" "authentic" eats with some "wild" offerings like deer with peppercorns." Full review
BlackBook BlackBook
"Considerable crowds from the youthful upholders-of-irony brigade go bananas when Thai Elvis enters the restaurant."
Time Out Time Out
"Looking for food with a little frivolity? The cavernous Palms Thai Restaurant on Hollywood Boulevard is Thai Town’s crowning jewel." Full review
Where Where
"This spot near the Pantages Theater is more known for its entertainment than its cooking, but both are worth the trip." Full review
Gayot Gayot
"One of Thai Town’s liveliest spots for traditional and exotic fare is an enduring favorite." Full review

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