
B&B Hotel Ljubljana ParkvsAlibi M14

Both properties are endorsed by experts. Overall, Alibi M14 is preferred by most reviewers compared to Hotel Park - Urban&Green. Alibi M14 scores 71 with positive reviews from 1 sources such as Lonely Planet.

B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park
Tabor 9, Ljubljana 1000 , Slovenia
From $69/night
  • Pet Friendly
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Free Breakfast
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
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Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"This renovated tower-block hotel is a very good-value midrange choice in central Ljubljana." Full review
Independent Independent
"Part of Slovenia’s green scheme and promotes itself as the greenest hotel in the city centre. Save 15 per cent if travelling to Ljubljana by public transport"
Don’t forget to visit the beehives on its roof terrace.
Alibi M14
Miklosiceva 14, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia
From $0/night
  • Free Internet
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Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"In the heart of Center is this pint-sized property, which has six rooms, including a 10-bed dormitory, just south of Miklošičev Park."

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