Royal Armouries Museum

Top 1% of attractions in Leeds

4 expert reviews

“The state-of-the-art building is stunningly designed: see a full-sized elephant in armor, models of warriors on horseback, and floor-to-ceiling tents.”

– Fodor's

Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top choice
"The exhibits are as varied as they are fascinating, covering subjects such as jousting, fencing and Indian elephant armour." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"more unusual exhibits include Japanese armour presented to James I in 1614, and an impressive, almost complete set of armour for an elephant. " Full review
Time Out Time Out
"If you ever needed a fascinating but damning reminder of mankind’s propensity for war, look no further than Leeds’ Royal Armouries. The huge museum in the Clarence Dock area of the city..." Full review

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