Casa Fusion Hotel BoutiquevsLa Casona Hotel-Boutique
Both hotels are praised by professional travelers. On balance, La Casona Hotel-Boutique is preferred by most professionals compared to Casa Fusion Hotel Boutique. La Casona Hotel-Boutique ranks #7 in La Paz with accolades from 2 reviews like Lonely Planet, The Telegraph.
Casa Fusion Hotel Boutique
Miguel de Cervantes No. 2725 - Sopocachi, La Paz 3-35171, Bolivia
From $41/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
"The Teleférico is one of La Paz’s best new tourist attractions, and at Casa Fusion, you are barely a block away from the yellow line in very well-priced comfort." Full review
Lonely Planet
"The top-story rooms have the best views and you're just a half-block from the teleférico station." Full review
La Casona Hotel-Boutique
938 Mariscal Santa Cruz, La Paz 3165, Bolivia
From $62/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
The Telegraph
"A thoughtful conversion of a colonial mansion in the heart of La Paz’s buzzing downtown area." Full review
Lonely Planet
"A new entrant in the luxury boutique category, La Casona has 47 rooms in a beautifully restored colonial-era building surrounding a small courtyard." Full review