
Hotel GalaxyvsYWCA

Both properties are highly recommended by expert writers. Overall, YWCA ranks marginally higher than Hotel Galaxy. YWCA comes in at #12 in Kolkata with recommendations from 2 sources such as Rough Guide, Lonely Planet.

Hotel Galaxy
3 Stuart Lane, Kolkata, India
From $0/night
  • Air Conditioning
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Rough Guide Rough Guide
"This small hotel, with just four rooms, is clean and good value despite the lack of light and position, with hot water with an a/c option too. र650."
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"This ageing mansion-block has high-ceilinged rooms that have been reasonably well upgraded for a cheaper guesthouse, albeit with a typical share of peeling paint. Hot water in en-suite bathrooms." Full review
1 Middleton Row, Kolkata 700071, India
From $0/night
Rough Guide Rough Guide
"Safe for women and especially good for longer stays, this clean, central hostel with plain but adequate rooms, some a/c off Park St, is built around a pleasant courtyard with a tennis court."
Book in advance.
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Old high-ceilinged rooms have slatted green doors opening onto a wide arched corridor...large, sparse sitting rooms have a sense of times gone by" Full review

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