Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Museum
9 expert reviews
“Hearan impressive tale of tenacity and treasure hunting at the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Museum and gawk at the treasures salvaged from the Atocha, a Spanish galleon that sank nearby almost 400 years ago.”
– Lonely Planet
"The treasure found was worth $500 million, and some of these artifacts are on display in this small museum." Full review
"The Mel Fisher Maritime Museum has recently unveiled its newest exhibit—"Pirates: Menace and Mayhem!" This is the latest addition to a series of extensive collections with artifacts from..." Full review
0 Stars
"Display cases highlight the fabulous gold and silver treasures and also everyday objects discovered, that give an insight into life onboard." Full review
"For 16 years, “today’s the day” was the hope of treasure salvor Mel Fisher, who finally struck pay dirt on July 20, 1985." Full review
"For a fascinating glimpse into Key West's complicated history, pay a visit to this popular museum near the waterfront." Full review
"The museum chronicling a treasure hunter's dream, fulfilled. " Full review
"Displays do a nice job of telling the story of both ship and salvage operation...there’s also a behind-the-scenes tour of the conservation lab where artifacts are cleaned, conserved, and analyzed." Full review
"Fisher's incredible adventure tracking these fabled hoards... is as amazing as the loot you'll see, touch, and learn about in this museum." Full review