The Flanders HotelvsAA Heart of Wildwood Motels
AA Heart of Wildwood Motels and The Flanders Hotel are both recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, AA Heart of Wildwood Motels is the choice of most professionals compared to The Flanders Hotel. AA Heart of Wildwood Motels comes in at #13 in Jersey Shore with recommendations from 2 reviewers including Lonely Planet, Oyster.
The Flanders Hotel
719 E 11th Street, Ocean City, NJ 08226
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Laundy Room
- Restaurant
- Pool
"Located directly on the Ocean City boardwalk planks with easy access to the beach, neighboring amusement park, and all sorts of other fun and food that the area has to offer." Full review
Travel + Leisure
"Per Caltrider, the historic, all-suite Flanders Hotel makes a great home base for exploring due to its central locale"
8 Best Boardwalks on the Jersey Shore
July 28, 2023
AA Heart of Wildwood Motels
3915 Ocean Ave, Wildwood, NJ 08260
From $119/night
- Free Internet
- Laundy Room
- Pool
- Family Friendly
- Free Parking
- Kitchenette
"A 74-room motel that’s within an easy walking distance to the beach, boardwalk, water parks, and tons of nearby shops, restaurants, and bars." Full review
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"If you’re here for water slides and roller coasters, book a room at Heart of Wildwood, facing the amusement piers." Full review