Mega Cikini HotelvsLe Margot Hotel
Both properties are rated very highly by expert writers. Overall, Le Margot Hotel is the choice of most writers compared to Mega Cikini Hotel. Le Margot Hotel comes in at #26 in Jakarta with recommendations from 1 publications such as Lonely Planet.
Mega Cikini Hotel
Jl. Cikini Raya Kav. 62-64, Jakarta 10330, Indonesia
From $0/night
- Hot Tub
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Family Friendly
- Dry Cleaning
Lonely Planet
"One of several new mod midrange hotels in Cikini." Full review
Le Margot Hotel
Jl. Jaksa no. 15C, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia
From $0/night
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Free Parking
Lonely Planet
"Its reception area gives the impression that this is a half-decent hotel, but expect slightly worn rooms, all with hot water, en-suite bathrooms, TV and air-con."