The Westin JakartavsGrand Sahid Jaya Jakarta
Both Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel and The Westin Jakarta are recommended by professionals. Overall, Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel scores significantly higher than The Westin Jakarta. Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel is ranked #20 in Jakarta with positive reviews from 1 reviews including Frommer's.
The Westin Jakarta
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C-22, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
From $98/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
Lonely Planet
"Sleep so high above Jakarta that when you wake up, you won't be able to see the ground through the smog." Full review
Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman kav. 86, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
From $81/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
"Once inside the expansive, beautifully landscaped property, it's easy to forget that you're just steps from many of Jakarta's major office towers." Full review