Necropolis del Puig des Molins

Top 1% of attractions in Ibiza

5 expert reviews
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"Items that accompanied the deceased, including utensils used in both everyday life and as part of the funeral rites, are exhibited in the Monographic Museum." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"The old archaeology museum in the center of town has closed, but this new facility at an excavation site just outside the city walls houses all its artifacts." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"one of the largest and best-preserved ancient necropolises in the world. " Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"Most of the objects on display came from burials on Ibiza and Formentara...collections of terra-cotta figurines from Punic burials, Roman artifacts, Muslim graves" Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"One of the largest and best-preserved ancient necropolises in the world. In addition to the tombs (about 340 of which can be viewed) are important artifacts such as amulets, weapons, jewelry" Full review

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