Zak Royal Wings HotelvsTropitel Sahl Hasheesh
Tropitel Sahl Hasheesh and Zak Royal Wings Hotel are both recommended by travel writers. Overall, Tropitel Sahl Hasheesh scores slightly higher than Zak Royal Wings Hotel. Tropitel Sahl Hasheesh is ranked #14 in Hurghada with praise from 1 publications like Oyster.
Zak Royal Wings Hotel
Sheraton Road, Hurghada, Egypt
From $0/night
- Room Service
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Minibar
- Refrigerator
Lonely Planet
"Located next to the infamous Papas Bar. ... Rooms are slightly bare considering the price, though they’re clustered around a nice pool and a tropical garden." Full review
Tropitel Sahl Hasheesh
P.O. Box Block 33 B, Sahl Hasheesh, Hurghada, Egypt
From $86/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"Tropitel Sahl Hasheesh is an upscale beachside property with sweeping views of the Red Sea." Full review