Jaz Aquamarine ResortvsLamera Hotel
Both Lamera Hotel and Jaz Aquamarine are rated very highly by travel writers. Overall, Jaz Aquamarine scores slightly better than Lamera Hotel. Jaz Aquamarine comes in at #15 in Hurghada with approval from 1 reviewers like Oyster.
Jaz Aquamarine Resort
South Sahl Hashish Road, Gawish District, Hurghada, Egypt
From $64/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
"Sprawled over the Red Sea coastline, Jaz Aquamarine Resort is an enormous upscale beachfront hotel that caters to families via 18 pools... bars, a disco, kids’ sports, and a hangout area for teens. " Full review
Lamera Hotel
Sheraton Rd. El Arousa Sq. Sekala, Hurghada, Egypt
From $28/night
Lonely Planet
"An adequate budget option, the Lamera has a central location. ... Rooms are fairly unmemorable but some have sea views."