Zak Royal Wings HotelvsGolden Sun Hotel
Both properties are rated very highly by professional reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Zak Royal Wings Hotel is the choice of most writers compared to Golden Sun Hotel. Zak Royal Wings Hotel is ranked #33 in Hurghada with approval from 1 reviewers including Lonely Planet.
Zak Royal Wings Hotel
Sheraton Road, Hurghada, Egypt
From $0/night
- Room Service
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Minibar
- Refrigerator
Lonely Planet
"Located next to the infamous Papas Bar. ... Rooms are slightly bare considering the price, though they’re clustered around a nice pool and a tropical garden." Full review
Golden Sun Hotel
Al Sekala Area , Alreosha Square, Hurghada, Egypt
From $0/night
- Room Service
- Concierge
- Minibar
Rough Guide
"With friendly staff, a small garden out front, fake papyrus prints on the walls, an internet café and functional a/c rooms, Golden Sun does the best with what it has. £E100."