Lamera Hotelvs4 Seasons Hotel
Both hotels are recommended by writers. Overall, 4 Seasons Hotel scores marginally higher than Lamera Hotel. 4 Seasons Hotel comes in at 72 with accolades from 1 publications like Lonely Planet.
Lamera Hotel
Sheraton Rd. El Arousa Sq. Sekala, Hurghada, Egypt
From $28/night
Lonely Planet
"An adequate budget option, the Lamera has a central location. ... Rooms are fairly unmemorable but some have sea views."
4 Seasons Hotel
Dr. Sayed Koryem Street | Infront of Empire, Hurghada 28800, Egypt
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Air Conditioning
Lonely Planet
"This long-standing backpacker favourite is run by Mohammed, who is always on hand to dish out advice and help." Full review