Limahuli Garden and Preserve
4 expert reviews
"Its fluted mountain peaks and ancient stone taro terraces, creates an unparalleled setting for this botanical garden and nature preserve." Full review
"Limahuli Garden, part of the nonprofit National Tropical Botaincal Garden, is best known for its lava-rock taro terraces built shortly after the first Polynesians arrived about 1,000 years ago." Full review
2 Stars
"A short loop takes you along ancient taro terraces and aside pretty Limahuli Stream, to a stunning overlook of rugged cliffs and open ocean views." Full review
"Out on Kauai’s far North Shore... there’s a mighty cleft in the coastal range where ancestral Hawaiians lived in what can only be called paradise." Full review
You’ll learn even more on one of the daily 2 1/2-hour guided tours, but be sure to reserve well in advance.